Aviation Service Berlin

MCC – Multi Crew Cooperation

One of the most important parts of becoming a successful and reliable pilot is your knowledge of everything that surrounds you in the cockpit. Being able to act and react to a situation is fundament in your flying ability. SKY4u has created a Multi-Crew Coordination (MCC) course that will help you perfect your leadership, decision-making and teamwork abilities in the cockpit. The course will work through a number of aspects of cockpit management. You will have 25 hours of theory in our ground school and 20 hours of practical sessions in our Boeing 737 NG simulator.

Course Content


Course Details

MCC Initial or Refresher
25 Hrs Theoretical Training
20 Hrs Simulator Training
10 Days

Course Location

Lufthansa Aviation Training

Berlin – GERMANY

Course starts every Monday – individual co-ordination possible

MCC is an essential part of the initial pilot training and commercial aviation experience

Focus is on learning and showing skills in leadership, teamwork, decision-making and communication. We take you to a higher level in your ability to act as a reliable, safety oriented and confident crew member, we created an airline oriented MCC course which contains more than the standard, giving you an extra boost of confidence and airmanship.


from 2990 €uro


Course Device


SKY4u want to give you the best possible training on the best devices. Our Boeing 737 NG simulator is fitted with Boeing’s official Flight Dynamic Model. This model allows for a totally immersive experience for the pilot. The programme is a precise as the Boeing 737-800 as a result of its winglets and CFM56-7B engines. In addition to this, the control loading systems in the Boeing 737 NG is the same as that in full flight simulators. Each of our training courses take place in our Boeing 737 NG simulator. Whether it is our APS-MCC, NGC, JOC or SIP courses, each takes place in our real Boeing 737 NG simulator. The Boeing 737 NG ensures that you are in the best and most realistic environment throughout your aviation training.

The next stop is the real thing!


Our Simulator is EASA approved!

EASA approved

Contact us:

SKY4u Aviation Service GmbH | Schützenstraße 10 | 12526 Berlin | Tel: +49 30 692 070 25 | eMail: info@sky4u.com

In cooperation with SKY4u GmbH Vienna:

